Mach 1 Club

Full Version: This is Possibly the Worst Idea Ever
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When reason, logic and common sense take a dump bad things usually happen. Things, that unfortunately for the person in question, end up costing big money. Take these two gentleman for example. One is Matt Farah, the host of The Smoking Tire, and the other is Rob Ferretti, the creator of the Super Speeders series of DVD’s. Both love cars, both drive cars, but after this contest I’m not sure for how much longer. The basic idea was to take out two super cars and see who could get nicked first by the police, Rob or Matt. I really just hope these guys have some super high-powered attorneys because from the looks of this video, they’re going to need it.
Yeah, that's pretty dumb!
I think the correct word for this is JERK'SNotallthere